Fishing out to the Elbow and beyond

Fishing out to the Elbow and beyond

This time of year fishing off the Gulf coast can be challenging near shore with the colder water. That's why running to the Elbow, about 80 miles off the coast of St. Pete, is a great bet. The warmer and deeper water with the big mounts and rocks, provide a great structure for fish to stack up on. This time of year the Mutton Snapper like to congregate there along with Scamp Grouper. SnappaSlappa Snapper jigs work great out there for the Muttons, as long as you're patient and let the jig with the bait drift all the way towards the bottom. Muttons can't resist a fresh chunk of cutbait or live pinfish or grunt drifted down towards the bottom. When the current is ripping too much for the Snapper jig head, I will step it up to the Bofa Deez Grouper Ballz. I'll start with 2oz and go up from there. These work especially good on the Scamp grouper. Throw your favorite cut bait or live bait on and send it down and hold on!!

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